Adopted Local Plan
Development Plan is the term used to describe the group of planning documents prepared by Basildon Borough Council and Essex County Council from which development proposals for the use of land and buildings, mineral deposits and waste sites are controlled throughout the Basildon Borough. The Development Plan in the Basildon Borough consists of:
Basildon District Local Plan Saved Policies 2007
Approved by the Secretary of State via a Direction issued on 20 September 2007. Originally they were part of the Basildon District Local Plan, adopted in March 1998 with Alterations in September 1999.
The Saved Policies represent the local planning policies currently applied by the Council to inform the determination of planning applications in the Borough and enforce planning control.
The Saved Policies have been reviewed against the most recent National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in December 2023 to assess the level of compliance each policy has with the NPPF. The findings are set out within the February 2024 Compliance Review of the Saved Policies with the National Planning Policy Framework report, available below. These findings should be taken into consideration when determining planning applications.
Downloadable Documents
- Basildon District Local Plan Saved Policies - September 2007 (PDF) [605KB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Council - Compliance Review of the Saved Policies with the 2023 NPPF – Feb 2024 (PDF) [718KB]
1998 Proposals Maps
- Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Proposals Map (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Town Centre Inset Maps (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Conservation Area Maps (PDF) [786KB] (opens new window)
IMPORTANT Please note - care should be taken when using the following Proposals Maps and Inset Maps, as some policies and their corresponding land allocations or designations may no longer apply. Please always read in conjunction with the Basildon District Local Plan Saved Policies document.
Conservation Area Boundary Changes 2013
As a result of changes approved by the Council in December 2012 - see Basildon Council - 13 December Cabinet - Agenda and minutes (opens new window), the boundaries of Billericay and Great Burstead Conservation Area are different to those displayed on the 1998 Proposals Map for Conservation Areas above.
- Billericay Town Centre Conservation Area Boundary Change Public Notice - The London Gazette Public Notice - Billericay Conservation Area (opens new window)
- Great Burstead Conservation Area Boundary Change Public Notice - The London Gazette Public Notice - Great Burstead Conservation Area (opens new window)
Supplementary Planning Documents or Guidance (SPD/SPG)
Planning Obligations Strategy SPD 2015
- Planning Obligations Strategy - July 2015 (PDF) [457KB] (opens new window)
- See more information on the adoption of the Planning Obligations Strategy SPD 2015
Billericay Conservation Area Shop Front and Design Guide SPD 2015
- Billericay Conservation Area Shop Front and Design Guide SPD - July 2015 (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)
- See more information on the adoption of the Billericay Conservation Area Shop Front and Design Guide SPD 2015
Use of Local Labour and Apprenticeships 2013
Local Labour and Apprenticeship Schemes - Guidance for Major Developments: Employment and Training - the use of Local Labour and Apprenticeship Schemes (PDF) [48KB] (opens new window)
Basildon Town Centre Masterplan 2012
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan (opens new window) - refer to Basildon Council - 13 December Cabinet - Agenda and minutes (opens new window) for further guidance.
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 1 - Retail (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 2 - Residential (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 3 - Market (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 4 - Theatre (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 5 - Heritage (PDF) [5MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 6 - Car Parking (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 7a - Community Impact (PDF) [571KB] (opens new window)
- Basildon Town Centre Masterplan - Appendix 7b - Impact appendices (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
Conservation Areas
Conservation areas in Basildon Borough and their respective area management plans can be viewed by following the link: Conservation areas
Parking Standards 2009
- Parking Standards - Design and Good Practice (September 2009) (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window) - sets out the local parking standards for the Borough.
Pitsea Town Centre Masterplan 2007
Wickford Town Centre Masterplan 2006
Development Control Guidelines 1997
- Basildon District Development Control Guidelines 1997 SPG (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window) - sets out Basildon Council's Development Control Guidelines for shop fronts and advertisements. In addition, it sets out the Council's policies on residential development in the Green Belt and Children's Play spaces.
Gardiners Lane South 2003
- - Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) relating to an allocated Development Plan site adjacent to Gardiners Lane South.