Basildon Borough Planning Obligations Strategy SPD 2015
On Friday 14th August 2015 Basildon Borough Council formally adopted the Planning Obligations Strategy as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPD is now a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications within the Basildon Borough.
The purpose of the Planning Obligations Strategy is to provide updated guidance to industry professionals, landowners, developers and residents as to the type and level of planning obligations (financial and non-financial) the Council could seek as part of applications for planning permission.
In addition to the adopted Planning Obligations SPD, Basildon Borough Council has published an Adoption Statement and Consultation Statement in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination in accordance with The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004.
The Planning Obligations Strategy SPD was subject to an SEA Screening Determination to assess whether it would likely result in significant environmental effects. The findings of the Screening Determination concluded that this was not likely and therefore SEA of the SPD was not required.
Downloadable Documents
Please note: Some of the following documents are large and will take longer than usual to download.
Planning Obligations Strategy - July 2015 (PDF) [457KB] (opens new window)
Planning Obligations Strategy Adoption Statement - August 2015 (PDF) [82KB] (opens new window)
Planning Obligations Strategy Consultation Statement - July 2015 (PDF) [387KB] (opens new window)