Register As An Armed Forces Voter
If you are in the armed forces you can register as a service voter.
If you are in the armed forces and based overseas, or expect to be posted abroad in the next year, it makes sense to register as a service voter. This allows you to be registered at a fixed address in the UK even if you move around.
Service voter registration lasts for five years, so once you're registered you shouldn't have to worry about it while you're busy overseas. You can cancel your service voter registration at any time.
If you're based in the UK and are unlikely to change your address or be posted overseas in the next year, you can register as an ordinary voter, see Register To Vote.
To find out more about registering as a service voter visit: Electoral Commission - Register as an armed forces voter (opens new window)
Register to vote online
- Register to vote, go to (opens new window).
Additional important information for armed forces voters based overseas
Armed forces voters based overseas must remember to apply separately to vote by post (Postal Vote) or to apply for someone to vote on their behalf (Proxy Vote), unless they intend to return home to vote in person.
Postal ballot papers (voting slips) are usually sent to armed forces voters based overseas two to three weeks before polling day. Armed forces voters based overseas MUST be sure their marked postal ballot paper will reach us before 10pm on polling day, or it will not be counted.
If there is any doubt that your Postal Ballot Paper can be returned to us by polling day, then you should consider applying for someone to vote on your behalf (Proxy Vote).
Further information and enquiries
- For further information and enquiries please contact the Electoral Services Team, see contact details below...