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Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Appeal under Section 78 - Appeal by Basildon Estates Limited - Land at Town Square, Basildon, Essex

The Planning Inspector is seeking views regarding an appeal made on the grounds of non-determination of the above planning application.

Proposed Development: hybrid planning application seeking detailed planning permission for Plot 1 and outline planning permission for Plot 2:

  • Plot 1 (West Wing) comprising detailed planning permission for the full and partial demolition of existing floorspace, erection of new buildings up to 23 storeys to provide 265 residential dwellings (Class C3) and new Class E and Flexible Class E/F1/F2 floorspace, external alterations, along with associated landscaping, amenity space, car and cycle parking, new pedestrian accesses and circulation, plant and storage, and associated works;
  • Plot 2 (East Wing) comprising outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for the full and partial demolition of existing floorspace, erection of new buildings to provide up to 230 residential dwellings (Class C3) and new Class E floorspace, external alterations, along with associated landscaping, amenity space, car and cycle parking, new pedestrian accesses and circulation, plant and storage, and associated works.

Council Reference: 20/01350/FULL

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State on the grounds of non-determination of the planning application within the appropriate period of time. The appeal will be determined on the basis of an Inquiry. The procedure to be followed is set out in the Town and Country Planning Appeals (Determination by Inspectors) (Inquiry Procedure) (England) Rules 2000, as amended.

We have forwarded all the representations made to us on the application to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant. These will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal. If you wish to make comments, you can do so online, see:

All representations must quote the Appeal Reference APP/V1505/W/21/3281212. The last seven digits are the case reference number.

All representations must be received by 19 October 2021. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations.