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In the news: Update on Basildon Local Plan Examination

Basildon Council has today published the response from the Planning Inspector, Mr Paul Griffiths, after he considered the council's answers to his initial questions on the Local Plan.

In his response, the Inspector now requires the council to publish a revised Housing Topic Paper and an updated housing land supply calculation arising from the use of the standard methodology, together with all other updated and new evidence the council has created since its submission in 2019.

The Inspector has also requested that the Council publish the draft modifications to the Local Plan that are required as a result of the new and updated evidence.  The Inspector would like a further six-week consultation on the new evidence, the proposed modifications and the responses to his initial questions.  The publication of the note (dated 23 March) from the Inspector was delayed due to the pre-election period of the recent local elections, and Council procedures around the change in administration arising from the elections.

The Inspectors note of 23 March has been published on the council's Local Plan Examination - Key information and updates web page along with all Local Plan documentation. See...


Published on Thursday 17 June 2021